38th Annual Night of Lights (Dec 17)
Watts-Hillandale celebrates the winter holidays by lining the streets with luminaries, brightening our neighborhood with the warming glow of candlelight. This tradition started in 1985 by Caron Mayo, then vice president of the WHHNA, and a cheerful group of volunteers. Ever since, we’ve come together to decorate and stroll our streets in the sometimes brisk winter air.
Event Details:
When: Dec 17 (will move to Dec 20th in the event of rain)
Cost: $6/10 candles and sand, 50 cents for individual candles
Where: Luminaria supplies can be purchased at the southern end of Oval Drive Dec 16 & 17 (12-5 p.m)
How to help: CLICK HERE to see a full list of volunteer opportunities (e.g. setting up, selling luminaria, passing out sand etc..) If you want to help out without dealing with the web email Fred.Peterson@whhna.org
Our Night of Lights celebration is also the time of year when we come together to collect donations for our neighbors in need at the Urban Ministries of Durham Community Café. The Community Café has requested pantry items for the holiday season, such as flour, sugar, cake mixes, canned hams, and boxed stuffing. And they can always use peanut butter, canned meats, chili, beans, dried and canned pastas, mac and cheese, canned fruits and vegetables, boxed cereals and oatmeal, pancake mix, grits, coffee, and tea. Urban Ministries also accepts donations of gloves, hats, and coats in excellent condition. You can find a full list of the best items to donate by CLICKING HERE. We usually collect more than $5,000 to donate and we’d love to exceed that this year. You can donate now from the comfort of your own home — scan the QR code to contribute.
Urban Ministries QR Code
When you stop by Oval Park for luminary supplies, drop off canned goods and money for the Community Café. Watts-Hillandale residents can renew memberships, too, getting a free luminaria set of 10. The free set, of course, applies to those who have renewed already. CLICK HERE to learn how to renew membership.